Alpha Solutions for Institutional Equity Investors
What is your investment strategy?
Unique models and tools designed to complement the fundamental investment process
Quantitatively driven alpha signals for superior short-term trade timing
A few words
About Us
Founded in 2011 by Stephen Davis, Signal is an independent analytics firm dedicated to providing institutional equity investors with actionable insights based on Signal’s suite of proven proprietary alpha models.
Signal understands the needs of institutional investors because the team has been there. Each member of the Signal development team has multiple decades of institutional buy-side experience.
Signal has become Wall Street’s go to source for Timing, Crowding/Unwind, and Macro Regime (Risk-On/Off) analysis, helping institutional equity investors better understand positioning and regime trends at the market, sector, industry, and security level. Signal is proud to count the world’s largest institutional investors among its clients, including many of the largest hedge fund managers in the U.S. and U.K.

Stephen Davis
Patrick Quill

A few words
About Us
Founded in 2011 by Stephen Davis, Signal is an independent analytics firm dedicated to providing institutional equity investors with actionable insights based on Signal’s suite of proven proprietary alpha models.
Signal understands the needs of institutional investors because the team has been there. Each member of the Signal development team has multiple decades of institutional buy-side experience.
Signal has become Wall Street’s go to source for Timing, Crowding/Unwind, and Macro Regime (Risk-On/Off) analysis, helping institutional equity investors better understand positioning and regime trends at the market, sector, industry, and security level. Signal is proud to count the world’s largest institutional investors among its clients, including many of the largest hedge fund managers in the U.S. and U.K.

Stephen Davis

Patrick Quill